Ishamel want to travel to the sea. He auunounces his intent ot ship aboard a whiling vessel. He stays in a whaler's inn. Since the inn is full, he has to share a bed with Queequeq. At first he afraid of Queeqeq's strange habit, but he eventually come to appreciate his generosity and kind spirit, and they decide to seek work on a whaling vessel together. They take ferry with men from many different countries and races. Also, this ship was control by Ahab, a captain who is still covering from losing his leg in an encounter with a whale. He announces his desire to kill Moby Dick, the great white whale who took his leg. During a trip, Ahab met captain Boomer, who has lost an arm in an encounter with Moby Dick. So, it make Ahab want to know the information and kill Moby dick more.
However, Starbuck did not agree with Ahab. He think that this could be made everyone come to the end of life. He tries to warn Ahab many times but he didn''t listen. Ahab still want ot kill Moby Dick. He did everything like a mad person. so, Starbuck want to kill Ahab after the storm ends. But he can't do it as he has a strong relationship with Ahab.
Ahab expects to find the great whale and he fenally sight Moby Dick. It attacks Ahab's boat, destroying it. Ahab is then caught in a harpoonline and hurlted out of his boat to his death. Everyone tries to kell it but they all died. Ishamael is the only on e who can survive from this fighting. Also , Moby Dick can escape from this danger situation.